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E2M2 Direction and councils of the school

direction team

Director: Sandrine CHARLES 
Deputy Director: Marc LEMAIRE

E2M2 Doctoral School Council and Large council (OPC)

The school's statutory council is composed of 26 members.
_ 11 directors of research units: Fédérica CALEVRO (BF2I) / Thierry WALZER (CIRI) / Sylvie NAZARET (EM) / Fabienne ARCHER (IVPC) / Fabrice VAVRE (LBBE) / Nathalie MONDY (LEHNA) / Eric DEBAYLE (LGLTPE) / William NASSER (MAP) / Claire BERCKER (MYCO) / Hervé FRITZ (REHABS) / Nicolas LAMOUROUX (RIVERLY) or their representatives
_ 5 PhD students : see list below
_ 2 representatives of the BIATSS / ITA: see list below
_ l representative of VETAGROSUP: Estelle LOUKIADIS
_ 1 representative of the associative sector: Timothée BEROUD
_ 1 representative of the socio-economic world: Sandrine WITTMANN
_ 5 externals members: voir la liste ci-dessous

The large council, also called OPC (Orientation and Pedagogical Council), sits once montly or every two months, auditions candidates with nominal doctoral funding (CIFRE, ANR, etc) through the year, and discusses all points related to the functioning of the school.
Its members correspond to the internal members of the statutory council and to the elected students.

Direction team and administration

Sandrine CHARLES (Head)
Marc LEMAIRE (Deputy)
Bénédicte LANZA (Administration E2M2)

Representative member of Lyon 1 : Bénédicte DURAND
Representative member of INSA: Mickaël LALLARD
Representative member of VETAGROSUP: Estelle LOUKIADIS 

Internal members (representative members of laboratories and/or research themes)

The heads of the main research units are members of the council, together with members of the different research themes. Each theme is represented as a function of the number of HDR-holding scientists at the beginning of each 5-year contract, with weighing aimed to preserve the general balance.
  • Paléoenvironnements et Evolution : Romain AMIOT (LGLTPE), Bertrand LEFEBVRE (LGLTPE)
  • Microorganismes, Interactions, InfectionsMaxime BRUTO (MYCO),  Xavier CHARPENTIER (CIRI), DA SILVA Pedri (BF2I), Elisabeth KAY (CIRI), Caroline LEROUX (IVPC), Karen MOREAU (CIRI), William NASSER (MAP), Michèle OTTMANN (CIRI), Claire PRIGENT-COMBARET (LEM), Véronica RODRIGUEZ-NAVA (LEM), Vladimir SHEVCHIK (MAP)
  • Biologie Evolutive, Biologie des Populations : Mathieu DOUHARD (LBBE), Sébastien DEVILLARD (LBBE), Nathalie MONDY (LEHNA), Laurence MOUTON (LBBE)
  • Biomaths-Bioinfo-Génomique évolutive : Bastien BOUSSAU (LBBE), Damien DE VIENNE (LBBE),  Mathieu FAUVERNIER (LBBE), Vincent LACROIX (LBBE)
  • Ecologie des communautés, fonctionnement des écosystèmes : Arnaud CHAULOT (RIVERLY), Alessandro FLORIO (LEM), Florian MERMILLOD-BLONDIN (LEHNA)

Doctoral students

Julien BOUVET (LEHNA, D3):

Representatives of BIATSS/ITA


External members

- Stéphane UROZ, UMR IAM, Université de Lorraine - INRAE (couleur Microorg)
- Fabienne GIRAUD, ISTerre, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (couleur Pal)
- Raphaël GROS, Université Aix Marseille (couleur Eco)
- Catherine MATIAS (couleur Biomath)
- Ana RIVERO, UMR MIVEGEC, IRD Montpellier (couleur Evo)


Former heads of the doctoral school E2M2

Jean-Pierre FLANDROIS (1999-2010)
Gudrun BORNETTE (2010-2014)
Fabrice CORDEY (2014-2017)

Philippe NORMAND (2017 - 2021)

Former deputy : Hubert CHARLES (2010-2014)