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Scientific Research Themes
The Doctoral School E2M2 is made up of 5 "Scientific Research Themes" :
The themes group all the fields of the research units associated to the School.
Paleoenvironments and Evolution
The quantification and modeling of environmental factors that play on the evolution of living beings, its dynamics geological time scales.
Micro-organisms, interactions, infections
The study of populations of micro-organisms interacting with one another, with plants and animals and their activities and role in natural and man-made environments (soils, water bodies), in the evolution of species (role of endosymbionts, viruses) and the consequences in terms of evolution of species (phylogeny, taxonomy) ; epidemiological models and interactions at the cellular and immunological levels, physiological effects of chronic infections.
Evolutionary Biology, Population Biology, Ecophysiology
The description and understanding of adaptive and evolutionary mechanisms of biological systems (Evolutionary Biology, Population Biology) in the fields of Ecology, Agronomy and Health
Biomath-Bioinfo-evolutionary Biology
The description, modeling (and in silico simulation), the understanding and evolutionary impact of adaptive, evolutionary mechanisms and interactions between living beings at the level of the genome, of metabolic chains. The teams use and develop experimental tools, and also formal tools issuing from mathematics,such as statistics, modeling of dynamic systems tools (differential equations, processes) or from computing (algorithmy, representation of knowledge, etc.).
Community ecology, ecosystems functioning, ecotoxicology
The description and the modeling of the functioning of ecosystems and their disturbances (present or passed). Analysis and modeling of communities.
Transversal theme
The modeling of Living beings and their environment is a major component, a strong transversal theme of the School.