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Progress of the thesis


D1 Autumn: Registration 1 or 2 doctoral training modules (4 in total during the thesis, or 80h) During the year:  Contact with the tutor
D2 Autumn:  then re-registrationTenue du First monitoring committee then re-registration 1 or 2 doctoral training modules  
D3 Autumn: Tenue du Second monitoring comitee then re-registration If applicable: last complements of doctoral training - Constitution u jury
- Writing of the  presentation file
- presentation
- Post-presentation formalities (essential for obtaining the phd degree)


A professionnal experience

The doctoral student is a full time salaried employee with rights and obligations. Over the three years of the thesis, he/she must accomplish his/her research project with rigor, initiative, creativity and intellectual openness. He/she must also take into account the practices of organisation and evaluation of the work in the  professionnal context of both the  public and private sectors.

Realisation of a scientific and personnal  project

The doctorate school help the doctoral student develop his own autonomy in the framework provided by his/her thesis director and his/her team. this involves taking part in the conception of the project, his defence in front of an admission jury, and the annual presentation in front of the follow-up committee, of  scientific developments, of orientation choices. The objective of ther doctoral student and his team is also to  publish and diffuse the works done over the course of the thesis, which is an essential step of research activities.