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Accreditation to direct research (HDR)

Obtention of the HDR

The HDR is a diploma, it is thus delivered by the different establishments (Lyon1, INSA, ENSL etc..). To know the details of the procedure, you must consult  the establishment to which you belong. Below are the links detailing the procedure for the establishments affiliated to the doctoral school :
HDR Lyon 1 : habilitation-a-diriger-des-recherches-HDR

Support mechanism

The doctoral school has set up a support mechanism targeted to researchers and lecturers-researchers who wish to acquire this HDR diploma : contact the E2M2  direction team E2M2.

Exemption HDR

Any thesis director or co-director who does not hold an HDR must ask for an exemption to his establishment to direct a given doctoral student (see  "HDR" contacts for Lyon 1  and INSA below). This request can be done following the oral competition when the names of those candidates having obtenained a scholarship are known.
A single exemption is granted by E2M2 since June 2016. The granting of this exemption is understood as a commitment by the director to obtain an HDR before the end of the thesis.